SCSEP is a part-time program for all low-income persons’ age 55 and over who have poor employment prospects. Program participants receive assignments at community and government agencies and are paid the Federal or State minimum wage, whichever is higher. Participants may also receive assistance in developing job search skills and in locating a permanent job. Participants are placed in non-profit or public service type host agencies. They receive on-the-job training and work experience. During their training, participants work with their local Employment and Training Coordinator to achieve permanent part time or full-time unsubsidized employment either at their host agency or with other employment sources in their area. Some of the benefits participants receive while in the program are: temporary paid work experience; improvement of marketable skills; development of new skills and an opportunity to establish a current work history.
NOTE: By purchasing SCSEP, you are agreeing to be referred to receive associated services.
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